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On January 28, 2019 Lisa Perna had a powerful visionary encounter with Jesus:

In the very Throne Room of God, He invited her to dance with Him!

As amazing and wonderful as that sounds, what she witnessed next was both shocking and heart breaking.

While dancing there with Jesus she was startled to hear the muffled sounds of a multitude.  So she looked out beyond and saw that there were literally thousands of believers engaged in various expressions of worship.

But every single one of them acted as if there was an invisible wall separating them from the Throne Room.

Are YOU one of those believers?

Do you feel like there’s an “invisible wall” between you and God?

What’s holding you back from experiencing the close intimate connection with Him that Lisa was shown in her vision?

Whether it’s guilt, shame, unworthiness, failure, or any other reason, the Bible tells us that “we all, with unveiled face,” have the amazing God-given right to behold the glory of the Lord! (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Jesus’ blood paid the price for you to come boldly into God’s Throne Room, and He deserves to get what He paid for!

Isn’t it time for you to tear off that veil once and for all?

Come and join Lisa Perna, Roger & Robin Fields, Gary Fishman and Russ Painter as they share life-changing truth that will set you free to enjoy the fullness of God’s love and presence in your life.

For a one-time registration payment of $20, you will have permanent access to this video.

The price for membership is $20.00 now.

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